The Empire State Trail in New York
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All map settings, GPS track coordinates, and all content are Copyright © 2025 All rights reserved. Some user-supplied content (images, ride reports, and comments) are the copyrighted property of their originators.
Map settings, directions, images, and all content are for private, non-business use only. Reproduction or reuse is strictly prohibited, unless granted by written permission.
BikeEmpireState and are registered trademarks.
This website stores cookies on your computer. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember which settings you chose on our webpages and trip planning tools. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience. This information is only used for remembering your settings and customizing the web pages - we NEVER share this information with any third parties.
Maps and directions are provided for general reference purposes only. Every attempt is made to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date. However, no representation is made nor warranty given as to their content or the reliability thereof. User assumes all risk of use, and all responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.
Maps, and markers and notations on maps, are based on latitude/longitude coordinates collected from a variety of sources. No representation is made nor warranty given as to their content or the reliability thereof. User assumes all risk of use, and all responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. Elevation figures are provided by, and should be accurate to a resolution of approximately 90 meters.
We allow businesses to gain a listing on the website by providing their own information. We cannot verify all data in all listings. No representation is made nor warranty given as to the content or the reliability thereof. User assumes all risk of use, and all responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.
External Links is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any pages linked to or referenced from this website. Links to external sites should not be considered endorsements of those sites or any of their content.
Hotel Reservations & Gift Certificates
Links may be provided throughout the website offering online reservations and/or gift certificate sales for certain hotels, and hotel listings for certain cities. These links lead to third-party websites which are not part of BikeEmpireState, although parts of the web pages may be customized to include BikeEmpireState logos and graphics. These hotel reservations are handled by independent online hotel reservation services, not BikeEmpireState. Any hotel reservations or purchases that you make constitute an agreement solely between you and the reservation service website - not BikeEmpireState. No representation is made nor warranty given as to the content of these 3rd party websites. Companies providing these services include Interactive Hotel Solutions,,, and possibly others.
Trail Comment Forum
Site visitors can post anonymous messages that may be of interest to trail users. Because these postings appear on the site immediately, we cannot be responsible for their content. However, we do attempt to review the comments regularly and remove any offensive or inaccurate postings. If you come across an improper posting, please notify us so we may take immediate action. BikeEmpireState will make the final decision about which comments may appear on the website. No representation is made nor warranty given as to the content or the reliability of forum postings.
This website is not affiliated with the State of nor any of its departments or divisions, and is not responsible for any aspect of trail management. We are simply cyclists, runners, and software developers who wanted to build the ultimate web site for Empire State Trail information.
Dangerous Activity
The trail is a far safer place to cycle, run, or hike than a typical street. But there are inherent dangers in these activities, and persons must undertake these activities with the proper attitude toward safety. In particular, the following features of the Empire State Trail could be dangerous:
The trail crosses or uses streets and highways in some areas, where vehicles travel in excess of 55 miles per hour.
Vehicles traveling at high speeds may approach more quickly than expected.
A lack of proper attitude toward safety while using the trail could result in injury or death.
Extra care must be taken when traveling with children, particularly around the hazards listed above.
The trail passes through some residential or commercial areas where pedestrians use the trail like a sidewalk. These pedestrians often are not accustomed to bike trails and not alert for cyclists. Proceed with caution where pedestrians my be present.
Do not swim in the rivers. Do not walk across frozen bodies of water in the winter.
Cycling, running, and hiking are physical activities requiring exertion. Do not attempt to use the trail if you are not in adequate physical condition.
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We will never sell, rent, or in any way convey email addresses to any outside parties. If you sign up for Forum Alerts, we will only use your address for emailing the alerts.
Email addresses may appear with event listings or business listings, to provide users with a contact point for further information, but only if the contacts for those events/businesses choose to have their email addresses appear. Users may also choose to include their email addresses in Forum Notes. Because such email addresses appear on a public website, we cannot be responsible for how visitors to the website use these addresses, or any email that might be sent to these addresses.