Empire State Trail Home
The Empire State Trail in New York

Cue Sheets and Directions for the Empire State Trail

Need directions? New York State has provided cue sheets with detailed route instructions for the entire Empire State Trail. Scroll down and click any link below for a PDF with a map and turn-by-turn descriptions of the Empire Trail route.

Erie Canalway Section
29 segments
367 miles
Hudson Valley Section
19 segments
199.5 miles
Champlain Valley Section
13 segments
198 miles
Lower Manhattan
Erie Canal
westwest to east
easteast to west
Erie Canal
8 miles
Erie Canal
16 miles

Hudson Valley
southsouth to north
northnorth to south
Hudson Valley
1 mile
Hudson Valley
6.5 miles
Hudson Valley
17 miles
Hudson Valley
6 miles

Champlain Valley
southsouth to north
northnorth to south
Champlain Valley
10 miles

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